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The KYSA-1
clinical trial is enrolling!

Investigating a new therapy to help
patients living with lupus nephritis.

Lupus Warrior

What is the KYSA-1 clinical trial?

In the KYSA-1 clinical trial, doctors are looking at a type of treatment called CAR T-cell therapy in people with active lupus nephritis who do not get better with standard therapies.

Doctors want to find out how effective and safe CAR T-cell therapy is in people living with lupus nephritis.

Kyverna, along with the NIH, have developed the CAR T-cell therapy, KYV-101, for lupus nephritis. This is the treatment that will be used in the KYSA-1 clinical trial.

In the KYSA-1 clinical trial, participants’ T cells (a type of immune cell that helps to protect from diseases) will be collected, modified, and returned to the body so they can attack B cells (another type of immune cell) that, when unhealthy, can increase inflammation and the symptoms of lupus nephritis.

Person looking

What is a clinical trial?

Clinical trials are research studies that look to find better ways to prevent, diagnose, or treat disease.

In a phase 1 clinical trial, doctors want to understand if a treatment is safe and well tolerated in humans.

Phase 1 trials are the first stage of human clinical trials and usually involve only a small number of people.

Phase 1 trials typically aim to find out:

  • IV Icon How much of a treatment is safe to give.
  • Thermometer Icon Which side effects are
  • Body plus icon What happens to the treatment in the body.

In a phase 2 clinical trial, doctors want to understand if a treatment has a clinical benefit and is safe and well tolerated in humans.

What is systemic lupus erythematosus and lupus nephritis?

  • Person icon Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), or lupus for short, causes inflammation in various body organs because the immune system is abnormally active. It commonly affects the skin, joints, and internal organs such as the kidneys and can lead to fatigue, skin rashes, aching joint and other symptoms.
  • Lungs icon Lupus nephritis is a serious kidney manifestation of SLE which, if not treated, can lead to kidney failure over time.
  • Body plus icon Researchers categorize lupus nephritis into different classes based on how much of the kidney is involved (Class I to VI) which can guide treatments. Lupus nephritis is typically treated with various medications, such as corticosteroids and other immune suppressive therapies.

What is CAR T-cell therapy?

  • Germ icon CAR T-cell therapy is a type of treatment called immunotherapy. This means it works with your immune system to target the cells that harm your body. This type of therapy was discovered more than 20 years ago and is now used to treat people with certain types of cancer.
  • Germ icon Different CAR T-cell therapies treat different cancers, such as leukemia, multiple myeloma, and B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
  • Germ icon CAR T-cell therapies have advanced in recent years. Researchers are now exploring if new CAR T-cell therapies can treat autoimmune diseases.
  • Germ icon CAR T-cell therapy is not yet approved for people with lupus nephritis.

How it works

How it works graphic
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Step 1 ‘Apheresis’

First, blood is collected from the patient and is filtered by a machine in a process called apheresis.

In this process, white blood cells (including T cells) are separated from blood.

T-cells image

Step 2 ‘Alter T cells’

T cells are altered in the laboratory so they can recognize, attack, and destroy the B cells.

Infusion image

Step 3 ‘Infusion’

Doctors then return the patient’s own altered T cells back to them through an infusion directly into their veins (intravenous (IV) infusion).

Cells attacking

Step 4 ‘Attack B cells’

The CAR T cells attack B cells, including unhealthy B cells with the goal of helping to control, reduce, or reverse the disease.

B cells image

Step 5 ‘Replenish B cells’

The aim is for the body to replenish with healthy B cells.

Who can take part in the KYSA-1 clinical trial?

You may be able to participate in the KYSA-1 trial if:

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You are age 18 years or older.
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You tried previous treatments, but you did not get better.
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You have been diagnosed with class III or class IV lupus nephritis.
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You are up to date on vaccinations.

This list does not include all the trial participation criteria and details. For additional information, please see www.clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT05938725.

If you want to take part in the trial, your doctor can refer you to a trial site. The trial doctor will ask some questions to see if you can take part. This may include performing additional tests. The trial doctor will also explain the detailed criteria for participating. This trial has multiple sites in the United States. You may need to travel if you do not live near a trial site. We aim to make every participant’s clinical trial experience as easy as possible. Accommodations for trial participation can be discussed with the trial site team.

What will happen in the KYSA-1 clinical trial?

If you are selected to participate, one of the doctors running the trial (or someone on their behalf) will talk with you about what you can expect as a participant in the trial so that you understand and are comfortable with what it means to take part. This is called informed consent. If you are able to enroll in the trial, these are the key steps you will be involved in:

Clinical trials steps diagram

Serious and potentially life-threatening side effects can occur from CAR T-cell therapy including cytokine release syndrome (CRS) and immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome (ICANS) and typically resolve within the first month after treatment.

  • Germ icon CRS happens when your body responds too aggressively to an infusion of CAR T-cell therapy. Mild symptoms may include fever, nausea, feeling tired (fatigue), and body aches. Symptoms can progress in severity and may include low blood pressure and high fever, shock, and potentially organ failure.
  • Germ icon ICANS affects the nervous system and can cause symptoms such as fatigue, uncontrolled movements (tremors), impairment in thinking, loss of speech, muscle weakness, seizures, and swelling in the brain.

People receiving this treatment are always in the care of a doctor, who monitors them closely for these side effects and can treat their symptoms to help prevent their worsening.

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  • During the screening period, you will undergo various study eligibility assessments and be required to provide written informed consent if you choose to take part in the trial.
Drip icon
  • During apheresis, white blood cells will be collected through an intravenous (IV) line, and T cells are removed.
  • The other cells will be returned to the body.
  • The process usually takes about 2-3 hours.
  • After your blood collection for apheresis, you may return home.
Microscope icon
  • After apheresis and during the manufacturing process, the collected T cells will be altered and made into CAR T cells.
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  • About 1 week before administering KYV-101, you will receive pre-dosing lymphodepletion therapy. This therapy will help to prepare your body for the new CAR T cells.
  • During the pre-dosing phase you will need to be in person at the trial site.
Infusion icon
  • The KYV-101 CAR T cells are returned to your body, delivered in a single infusion directly into your vein (intravenous (IV) infusion).
Monitoring icon
  • Beginning with KYV-101 infusion, you will be required to stay in the hospital (inpatient) at the trial site for 10 days. This is so doctors can check how well you are responding to treatment and monitor any potential side effects that you may have like fever, fatigue, confusion, or tremors.
Hand heart icon
  • After leaving the hospital, you will need to stay close to the trial site (within 1 hour) for approximately 2 weeks. You will need to be accompanied by another adult who can help to support you following the treatment.
  • You will need to return to the trial site periodically for follow-up visits to have your health monitored for up to 24 months after KYV-101 infusion.
  • You will be asked to take part in a separate long-term follow-up study so that you can be monitored for side effects.


For more information, please contact Kyverna by completing the form.


Do you or a loved one currently have active lupus nephritis?


Do you or a loved one have Class III or Class IV lupus nephritis?

All personal information will be processed by or on behalf of Kyverna Therapeutics to process your request. Kyverna Therapeutics will retain personal information only for as long as is required to complete the purposes for which it was collected and to fulfill its legal, regulatory, or reporting obligations. Kyverna Therapeutics understands personal information is private and will not disseminate it to third parties who are not providing services to Kyverna Therapeutics . For more information, review the Kyverna Therapeutics privacy policies.

Pronounce Icon Pronunciations


  • Lupus nephritis (LOO-pus nuh-FRY-tuhs)
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus (sis-TEH-mik LOO-pus AYR-ih-THEE-muh-TOH-sus)
  • Immunotherapy (IH-myoo-noh-THAYR-uh-pee)
  • Leukemia (loo-KEE-mee-uh)
  • Multiple myeloma (MY-eh-LOH-muh)
  • B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (non-HOJ-kin lim-FOH-muh).
  • Apheresis (a-feh-REE-sis)
  • Intravenous infusion (IN-truh-VEE-nus in-FYOO-zhun)
  • Cytokine release syndrome (SY-toh-kine reh-LEES SIN-drome)
  • Neurotoxicity (NOOR-oh-tok-SIH-sih-tee)
  • Lymphodepletion (LIMF-o-di-PLEE-shuhn)

clinical trial flyer

Information about the KYSA-1 clinical trial to discuss with your healthcare provider

Flyer example

Folleto del ensayo
clínico KYSA-1

Información sobre el ensayo clínico KYSA-1 para analizar con su proveedor de atención médica

Spanish Flyer example

KYV-101 is an investigational therapy. This website is intended to provide information about Kyverna’s clinical trial for people living with lupus nephritis. If you have any questions about your treatment plan, you should always speak to your doctor.